Looking into Refreshing your Attic Insulation? Look no further!            Did you know that Attic Insulation can Deteriorate either due to time, rodents, mold, or even poor Insulation. Most Attic Insulations only last 20-30 years. Generally, the longer the house has been standing the more likely

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As we gather to celebrate Independence Day 2024, it’s a fitting time to reflect on the extraordinary principles that form the bedrock of our democracy. The Declaration of Independence and the Constitution of the United States are not merely historical documents; they are the living framework of a great experiment

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Memorial Day 2024: A Time for Reflection and Gratitude Memorial Day, observed on the last Monday of May, is a solemn day of remembrance for the men and women who have died in military service to the United States. This year, as we gather with family and friends on May

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As we gather with loved ones for Easter celebrations, it’s a time for reflection, renewal, and rejoicing. Easter, celebrated by Christians around the world, commemorates the resurrection of Jesus Christ, symbolizing hope, rebirth, and the triumph of light over darkness. In the midst of colorful Easter eggs, joyful gatherings, and

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  SMART Goals, Great Expectations, & New Year Resolutions for a Happy New Year 2024! Goals and expectations, while closely related, have distinct meanings and applications, especially in personal, professional, and organizational contexts. Please get out a pad to write your thoughts as you review the following as soon as

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Dear Customers, Vendors, and Friends, The first Christmas began with a glorious song from angels, “Hark! The Herald Angels sing, Glory to the newborn King!!”  At Christmas did you ever wonder what that joyous singing was all about?  Angels sang to announce the birth of Our Savior, Jesus Christ!! This

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